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Drivers reminded to slow down on Highway 101

Concerns for summer traffic after recent vehicle incidents on Coast

As traffic surged through the Sunshine Coast for the July 1 holiday, the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) and RCMP are reminding all drivers to slow down on Highway 101 this summer season. 

In a press release on July 2, the regional district cited multiple recent serious vehicle incidents in the Roberts Creek area, one of which ended in a fatality.

“One of the hardest parts of our jobs is attending these scenes and realizing just how totally preventable many of these tragedies can be,” Fire Chief Pat Higgins of the Roberts Creek Volunteer Fire Department said in the press release.

Safe driving tips include driving according to posted speed limits, putting away all distractions including cellphones, being aware of highway turnoffs and making way for emergency services. When an emergency vehicle is trying to get through, all motorists are required to pull over and slow down or come to a complete stop. Those parking off the highway at a beach or hiking access point should make sure they are not blocking the visibility of other drivers pulling onto the road.

“In the summer months our highway traffic significantly increases with travellers, construction and wildlife,” Sunshine Coast RCMP Const. Karen Whitby said in the release. “We ask that you be patient, give yourself extra travel time and leave lots of space between you and other vehicles so that everyone can arrive safely and enjoy their summer.”