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Canada World Youth returns

If you've ever wanted to explore the cultures of China and Mongolia, now's your chance. Canada World Youth is coming to the Coast, and host families are needed for students from China, Mongolia and across Canada.

If you've ever wanted to explore the cultures of China and Mongolia, now's your chance. Canada World Youth is coming to the Coast, and host families are needed for students from China, Mongolia and across Canada.

"It's a great opportunity to have two enthusiastic young people stay with you and bring the world home. It's a way to experience other cultures and languages without actually traveling," said project supervisor Terence Lowe.

Canada World Youth is an international education exchange program for youth aged 17 to 25 with a focus on volunteer work and community development in a cross-cultural setting. Lowe said the students coming here on Aug. 27 are between the ages of 18 and 23 and will be living with host families for three months while working on community projects locally.

"I'm open to ideas for projects community members would like help with. In the past we've helped with things like the Funky Fall Fashion Show and at Shorncliffe and community schools. On average the students put in 7,000 hours of volunteer work in the three months they're here," said Lowe.

He said host families get a chance to learn more about their own communities and make lasting friendships locally through the program. There are events planned for students and host families like barbecues and fun-nights. Host families are given an allowance to help cover the cost of food and travel for students.

Lowe says he is looking for host families of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds to host two students, one Canadian and one Chinese or Mongolian, for the three months they are here. Host families must provide a spare room with adequate sleeping arrangements for the students and are expected to treat students as family members, not guests.

"They should help with household chores, cooking etc.," said Lowe.

He noted arrangements can be made for families that are taking short vacations during the time. Short-term and back-up hosts are welcome to contact him.

If you would like to be a host or have a project you would like Canada World Youth to participate in, you can contact Lowe at 604-886-4509 or email him at [email protected].