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Application for 37 mobile homes going to third reading – with a covenant

SCRD directors raise concern about how to prevent age restrictions at mobile home parks on the Coast
Public hearing 1
Examples of mobile homes provided by applicant for a proposed mobile home park in West Howe Sound.

An application to add 37 mobile homes in the West Howe Sound area and update an existing RV park is one step closer to being approved. 

On April 28, the two amendments required for the application were moved by Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) directors to go to the board for third reading. Before adoption, a covenant to “implement fire protection measures and FireSmart programs for the proposed developments” will be registered on title of the subject property, as per staff recommendation, since the application’s location is outside of SCRD fire protection areas.

During an April 21 committee meeting, directors also discussed whether the SCRD can prevent the mobile home park from imposing age restrictions on residents. 

Halfmoon Bay director Lori Pratt said she was in support of the mobile homes, but raised the concern that some mobile home parks on the Coast only allow people 55 years or older to reside in them. She asked what kind of jurisdiction the SCRD may have to prevent that.

“This is one thing that really, really concerns me because a lot of our lower-cost housing on the Coast is not available for families, for young people. Most of the mobile home parks on the coast are 55-plus, and it’s a whole section of our community that we've lost and we've seen this over a number of years,” Pratt said on April 21.

The SCRD has not imposed a similar age-related covenant before, staff said. Pratt said she’d like to have a larger conversation about age restrictions, and the board may need to advocate these concerns to the province.

The applicant confirmed during the meeting that an age restriction will not be part of the proposed park’s rules. 

The application to add 37 mobile homes requires an amendment to the Sunshine Coast Regional District’s (SCRD) West Howe Sound Official Community Plan (OCP) and a rezoning with specific provisions to facilitate developments on the two adjoining parcels. Those parcels are located at 2170 Port Mellon Highway, where the Langdale Heights RV Park already exists, and 2061 Twin Creeks Road, the would-be site of the new mobile home park. The RV park’s infrastructure would also be updated. 

A public hearing was held for the application on March 29, and received few comments. The staff report about the hearing states the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has no objection to the proposed road access from Port Mellon Highway by extending an existing driveway, and no traffic concerns.

The proposed zoning would not permit short-term rentals, senior planner Jonathan Jackson told directors at an April 21 committee meeting. 

In the report, “staff conclude that the proposed development is suitable for the location. It is additionally noted that the proposed development would increase the availability and diversity of housing options on the Coast, and provide tourist commercial and recreational opportunities.

Enhancing utility servicing and fire protection measures on the site would further support the implementation of the proposed development.”

The third reading is scheduled for the next board meeting, on May 12.