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In the Community

Inspirational educator chosen for new award

Debbie Amaral is the inaugural recipient of the Frances Fleming Award for inspirational achievement. Amaral, by all accounts an amazing person and educator, was honoured last week by the school board.

Fiddlehead Farmer's Market joins Sunday Market

Locally grown organic produce is coming to Gibsons Landing. The Fiddlehead Farmers' Market is joining forces with the Gibsons Landing Sunday Market beginning this Sunday, July 3. Both groups are very excited to see the markets come together.

Get active, get hiking

The Pender Harbour Hiking Club is now into its second year and boasts nearly 50 members in this small community of 2,500 residents.

Horse sense helps healing

Equine facilitated therapy - 'What the heck is that?' you may wonder. And while we may think of this as cutting-edge therapy, it's more like a new relationship with an animal that has been a godsend to humans for many years.

O'Neill awarded environmental award

Rick O'Neill was the recipient of the John Hind-Smith Environmental Achievement Award handed out by the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association (SCCA) event on June 14.

Rubin to go bald for cancer

Pender Harbour's Carole Rubin is joining the fight against cancer by going bald for charity.

Garden open to summer visitors

The Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden is now open for visitors two days each week all summer. On Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m., the garden, located at 5941 Mason Rd.

Gibsons grad gives gift of hair

While Gibsons' Alex Cloherty was busy writing Grade 12 exams this week, she was also wondering if people would treat her differently when she's bald. "I'm not really worried about not having hair, but it will be interesting to see how people react.

Volunteers honoured

When it comes to helping animals, there is nothing Karen and Derek Holland won't do. For more than 20 years, the Hollands have opened their hearts and their home to distressed animals in need of a safe space.

A community invitation to celebrate

St. John's United Church is throwing a community celebration this Sunday and everyone is invited. A 3 p.m. on June 26, the church will mark the realization of St. John's becoming officially a fully inclusive faith community.