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In the Community

Unearthing all things voodoo

Driving down a red-earth, unpaved road with 19 Canada World Youth (CWY) participants jammed into a minivan winding and turning to miss the potholes, we head to Ouidah, the capital of all things voodoo. Marking the celebration each year on Jan.

Book tour kicks off in Sechelt

Psychiatrist David Kirkpatrick, who practises a combination of community mental health and outpatient psychotherapy in West Vancouver and the Sunshine Coast, kicks off a tour of the Pacific North-west at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre on Saturday, Ja

Health and wellness in 2010

Kick start those bold New Year's resolutions into action by participating in the Health and Wellness 2010 series at the Gibsons and District Public Library. The series begins on Saturday, Jan.

Essential skills for immigrants program

Lighthouse Learning Network (LLN) is a network of interactive learning centres, offering a broad range of learning opportunities for adults young and old.

Plant hunting in Tibet

Ever thought of going on a plant-hunting safari to Tibet? That's just what Sechelt author and gardener extraordinaire Bill Terry and his wife Rosemary Bates did last year when they joined a group of botanists on the journey of a lifetime.

Local grandmothers seek donations

The Sunshine Coast Grandmothers & Grand-Others group is urgently seeking donations of Aeroplan miles by Jan. 17 to send a Canadian delegation of grandmothers to Swaziland for the first-ever African Grandmothers' Gathering.

Hospice Society to light the lights

The 19th annual Sunshine Coast Hospice Society's Lights of Life program is in full swing. Christmas trees are up at Sunnycrest Mall in Gibsons and continue until Saturday, Dec. 5. The Sechelt Lights of Life begins on Monday, Dec.

Loonies for the Library launched

On Wednesday, Nov. 25, the Sechelt Public Library board launched the Loonies for the Library campaign. Its goal is to raise $1,000 by the end of the year for the Iris Loewen Endowment Fund.

Second phase of exchange beings

One month into the second phase of my Canada World Youth (CWY) exchange takes me to Allada, BĂ©nin, located one hour north of Cotonou, the economic capital of the country.

Christmas kettle campaign kicks off

No wonder the Sunshine Coast is one of the best places to live in the world. Who else exhibits the community involvement that we do? To answer that question, one need look no further than Gibsons Mayor Barry Janyk and Sechelt Mayor Darren Inkster.