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In the Community

Sow Simple is so stunning

They've done it again - the crackerjack team of Christina Symons and John Gillespie has launched their second eclectic gardening book and it's a beauty.

Workshops for adults and teens

The Sunshine Coast Skating Club, Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) and the Sunshine Coast Regional District are pleased to announce the upcoming 'Women In Leadership' workshops on Saturday, Apri

Chalker-Scott offers sound planting info

Join in this Saturday, April 21 for two talks at the Sparling Pavilion at the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden by no-nonsense speaker Linda Chalker-Scott from Washington.

Early Years Fair is coming soon

Attending Early Years Fair gives parents and their children an opportunity to take part in some fun and games while gathering important information about health, the advantages of developmental screening and to learn about the programs and services o

Helping displaced Tibetans settle on the Coast

In 2007 the Dalai Lama asked the Canadian government to consider allowing exiled Tibetans who are currently living in impoverished settlements in northeastern India to resettle in Canada.

Cast and crew needed for new season

TheDriftwood Players street theatre troupe, Story Theatre, is looking for actors, musicians and stage crew for another summer of classic storytelling, fables and original works - no experience necessary! The troupe's sixth season kicks off with a wee

Gibsons youth receives achievement award

The Child Welfare League of Canada (CWLC) has announced its national achievement award winners, and a Gibsons youth is among this year's recipients.

Sechelt Legion mourns a great one

Friends and family are mourning the loss of Charles (Charlie) Stephens, one of the oldest members of Sechelt Branch No. 140 of the Royal Canadian Legion. Stephens passed away in Totem Lodge on Sunday, April 1. He was 99 years old.

Banner tradition better than ever

During week five, the last week of banner painting for Gibsons, the project's volunteer organizer, Connie Johnston, is as pleased as punch. "What I want is people's best," she said. And she got it. The hand-painted banners look smashing.

Environmental group receives grant

Cottage Life is pleased to announce that the Sunshine Coast Wildlife Project is one of the 2012 recipients of the Cottage Life Environment Grant.