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Cottage Farm a surprise to most

Cottage Farm a surprise to most

Editor: The Cottage Farm project has taken us, and most Langdale residents, completely by surprise.
Mr. Weston: stop wasting our money

Mr. Weston: stop wasting our money

Editor: Re: "No more mail-outs please" (Coast Reporter letters, Oct. 1). I wholeheartedly agree. Every time I pull another useless flyer from Weston out of my mailbox, I wonder at how he can possibly feel that such a waste is a good idea.
Traffic signal needed North/Reed

Traffic signal needed North/Reed

Editor: I am concerned about the intersection of Reed and North roads in Gibsons. It is truly a dangerous route where people have been injured in crashes, and just last year there was a fatality.
Bike challenge for council

Bike challenge for council

The following letter was sent to District of Sechelt council and copied to Coast Reporter In regards to the highway-widening plan in Davis Bay, I would like to cast my vote.
Time to take some responsibility

Time to take some responsibility

Most weeks I get a chuckle out of the weekly police report submitted by the Sunshine Coast RCMP.
Good for gravel, not much else

Good for gravel, not much else

Editor: I would like to comment on the letter re 71 acres on Field Road (Coast Reporter, Sept. 24, "What's up in Sechelt"). The land in question would make a better gravel pit than anything else.
In celebration of teachers

In celebration of teachers

What comes to mind when you think about the word teacher? Is it someone in a classroom who stands at the front of a room at a chalkboard instructing students? Is it someone who passes on knowledge and skills through education or sport? Is it someone
CCSVI works for MS patients

CCSVI works for MS patients

Editor: A month ago my daughter, who has MS, went to Poland to have the CCSVI (liberation) procedure. Since then many of her symptoms have either diminished or disappeared.
Details missing from bypass story

Details missing from bypass story

Editor: Re: West Sechelt connector public meeting (Coast Reporter, Sept. 24). I attended the Sept. 9 meeting. Notably missing from the Sept.
Here comes the judge

Here comes the judge

After almost nine months of court delays, case backlogs and potentially missed convictions, some much-needed relief is coming to the Sechelt provincial courthouse.