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Letters: Transit expansion already been tried

Letters: Transit expansion already been tried

Many people who have recently immigrated to the Southern Sunshine Coast come from larger centres where bus service is practical and economically justifiable. 
Comment: We need to change the way municipal governments are funded

Comment: We need to change the way municipal governments are funded

Reforming how local governments are funded will provide resources to tackle many issues that need to be addressed.
Letters: Passing of climate action plan good news

Letters: Passing of climate action plan good news

The plan is a complex and comprehensive road map for dealing with the climate crisis in our community with 15 goals, 25 actions, and 58 supporting actions that (from the report) “build upon the existing actions taken by the SCRD to address climate change and allow the SCRD to proactively identify opportunities for action that advance the community towards low carbon resilience.”
Rob Shaw: BC NDP under fire for progress on homelessness despite massive spending

Rob Shaw: BC NDP under fire for progress on homelessness despite massive spending

Parties clash on solutions to pervasive homelessness and drug issues ahead of fall provincial election
John Ducker: Commercial vehicle drivers face new stiff penalties

John Ducker: Commercial vehicle drivers face new stiff penalties

Changes come after series of crashes involving heavy trucks hitting highway overpasses.
Letters: Seniors have several transit perks

Letters: Seniors have several transit perks

Editorial: The Woodfibre LNG 'baby'

Editorial: The Woodfibre LNG 'baby'

'The resistance by some on council to the Woodfibre LNG floatel temporary use permit (TUP) is akin to folks standing around while a baby is being born, debating the merits of a pregnancy. The baby is on its way, folks.'
Adrian Raeside cartoon: Encountering an e-bike while out for a quiet stroll

Adrian Raeside cartoon: Encountering an e-bike while out for a quiet stroll

Comment: Homeownership is the key to a better future

Comment: Homeownership is the key to a better future

Multiple studies have established that homeowners have much better socioeconomic outcomes, have higher life satisfaction, are healthier.
Letters: Kudos for reopening critical transit discussion on the Coast

Letters: Kudos for reopening critical transit discussion on the Coast

'My bus story:  In 2001, I was able to purchase property 10 km north of Halfmoon Bay after confirming  there would  be bus service available in my area as I don’t drive. Unfortunately, the service ended a few years later after going out of business.'