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Thank you from the food bank

The following letter was sent to the S.C.

The following letter was sent to the S.C. Botanical Gardens and forwarded to Coast Reporter:

Dear Lynne, volunteers and members of the Sunshine Coast Botanical Gardens:

I am writing to express our deep appreciation for the donations of fresh organic produce from the SC Botanical Gardens Society. On a weekly basis, since June, we have been receiving fresh produce from your garden. In total this has tallied to over 1,000 pounds of produce! This is truly amazing.

The food recipients have been enjoying a wide variety of vegetables including cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, red onions, broccoli, shallots, kale, squash, leeks, potatoes, herbs, zucchini, chard, artichokes, radishes and Chinese greens.

Good nutrition is an ongoing challenge for many and your donation of fresh organic produce is a huge bonus nurturing both body and spirit. It is inspiring for the Sunshine Coast Food Bank volunteers and food recipients to know that we are supported by such a caring group of volunteers sharing their expertise and hard work.

Dale Sankey, Sunshine Coast Food Bank