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Take money out of politics

Editor: I wish to congratulate John Gleeson on his latest column (Coast Reporter, June 28), and on his courage in being so outspoken.


I wish to congratulate John Gleeson on his latest column (Coast Reporter, June 28), and on his courage in being so outspoken.

I am always surprised at how many people still believe that President Obama is the "good guy" (let alone the "socialist" his right-wing opponents claim, against all evidence, that he is).

I had been unaware of the details of what is going on in Syria, having been focused on other aspects of American policy, foreign and domestic, but I am not surprised at the cynical stance taken by the Obama administration.

This is a president who sends drones to countries he's not even at war with - ostensibly to kill "terrorists" (without charge or trial) but with much collateral damage involved (the killing of innocent bystanders and of those who come to aid the wounded).

This is a president who approved the National Defence Authorization Act, whereby American citizens can be detained indefinitely, again without charge or trial. This is in violation of the American Constitution, as well as of the Magna Carta and international law. Obama has prosecuted more whistle-blowers than Bush did, after promising not to.

Lesser of two evils? Rom-ney was so ludicrous that the fact that someone like him could run for president only shows how insane the U.S. has become. But the lesser of two evils is still evil.

What needs to happen is for corporate money to be taken out of politics, and how to make that happen is beyond the power of my imagination.

Anne Miles, Gibsons