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Sewer system could be a win-win

Editor: I have attended numerous meetings and discussions during the past eight months concerning the District of Sechelt's need to plan and build a new sewer system. The public meeting on Jan.


I have attended numerous meetings and discussions during the past eight months concerning the District of Sechelt's need to plan and build a new sewer system.

The public meeting on Jan. 31 to address this issue was a mind numbing three and a half hours, top heavy with more than 150 slides, complex technical drawings and indecipherable spreadsheets - and a lot of old history.

More importantly, the concerned citizens were left feeling of an attempt by said facilitators to overwhelm, overload and make obscure the real story.

Council should take note that these 100 brave souls stayed to the end of this public meeting to ask questions, which they did with relish and insight. How lucky we are to have such knowledgeable, committed people in our community to bring forth their ideas.

Clearly council and staff are heading down the wrong path. When will they realize that they don't have all the facts and information available to make the best decision for the citizens of Sechelt?

This issue can be a win, win for all. It is time council accepts the help of various community groups and individuals whom appear to possess superior information and ideas than our current paid consultants.

Chris Moore
