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Seeking others with chemical sensitivities

Editor: Like the canary in the coalmine whose collapse or death warned the miners of toxic fumes of which they were unaware, there are many people - like myself - who are far more sensitive to the chemicals in our environment than the average person.


Like the canary in the coalmine whose collapse or death warned the miners of toxic fumes of which they were unaware, there are many people - like myself - who are far more sensitive to the chemicals in our environment than the average person. I like to call us eco-canaries.

Some of us have been diagnosed as having multiple chemical sensitivities, others who suffer the same condition may not have made the connection to chemicals or may not have alerted their doctors to it. My own MCS is triggered, primarily, by the chemicals found in perfumes and scented products and the symptoms vary from nasal congestion, sore throat and/or coughing that last only as long as I'm in the presence of the irritant to sinus headaches, lung congestion and asthma which may last for days, weeks or months after the exposure.

The Canadian Human Rights Committee says, "This medical condition is a disability and those living with environmental sensitivities are entitled to the protection of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability."

Many institutions, particularly hospitals, now take steps to exclude perfumes from their premises and minimize the use of toxic cleaning products but most people who are not directly effected by MCS are unaware that they may be damaging our health with the products they wear or use in public places.

Working on the principles of "strength in numbers" and "think globally, act locally," I would like to contact other eco-canaries to discuss strategies for making the Sunshine Coast more canary friendly and, as a result, healthier for the rest of the population. Those who are interested in joining this discussion may contact me at [email protected].

Norma-Jean Benoy
