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Privatize Canada Post?

Editor: Canada Post have increased their postal rates, but can't afford to clean off graffiti from Coast mailboxes? They have to get approval to do a clean up from Vancouver and it is not forthcoming due to cutbacks.


Canada Post have increased their postal rates, but can't afford to clean off graffiti from Coast mailboxes? They have to get approval to do a clean up from Vancouver and it is not forthcoming due to cutbacks. That is what I've been told by local Canada Post staff.

So, the mailboxes on Sandy Hook Road, defiled for the first time ever, months ago, will never be cleaned unless some public spirited individual tries to do it. And I was told that too! If it was any other business, the mess would have been cleaned up weeks ago, but not Canada Post, who obviously don't understand customer relations or community pride. Maybe they should be privatized.

Graham Argyle
