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No proof about IPPs

Editor: It has been pointed out to me that I have no incontrovertible proof supporting the statements made in my letter to Coast Reporter of Sept. 25, 2009 regarding IPPs. I am writing today to agree with this assertion.


It has been pointed out to me that I have no incontrovertible proof supporting the statements made in my letter to Coast Reporter of Sept. 25, 2009 regarding IPPs. I am writing today to agree with this assertion. The information I was attempting to pass on was gleaned from various newspaper articles, editorials and websites. It was also pointed out to me that some websites may contain misleading information about IPPs and that I have no way of verifying the validity of any of those sites, articles or editorials.

That being the case, I can in no way condemn the Sechelt First Nation in their endeavours to start their own IPP and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my statements.

Ross W. Powell
