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Need politicians not parents

Editor: In the District of Sechelt council briefs (Coast Reporter, Nov. 12) you reported on Coun. Fred Taylor's committee resignations and quoted him saying that the Davis Bay project was lost through "catering to NIMBY-ism in that community.


In the District of Sechelt council briefs (Coast Reporter, Nov. 12) you reported on Coun. Fred Taylor's committee resignations and quoted him saying that the Davis Bay project was lost through "catering to NIMBY-ism in that community." What colossal arrogance!

Davis Bay is not the "backyard" of the 3,000-plus people who signed the petition opposing that project. Rather than attempting to trivialize widespread opposition to his position, Mr. Taylor would be wiser to apologize for being so far out of touch with the citizens in the first place. He seems to think he was elected to be daddy to the Sechelt family, doing what he thinks best for his silly and misguided children in spite of their opinions.

The voters of Sechelt do not need a daddy; we need a representative prepared to listen.

Tom Morris
