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Trail proves otherwise



Re: “Trails need forests” by Ross Muirhead, Letters, March 3.

Usually the Community Forest does not respond to letters to the editor – however, Mr. Muirhead gives a very one-sided view of trails. While the Trails Society, hiking clubs and mountain biking community can speak for themselves, I would like to point out the Community Forest does support, philosophically and financially, sanctioned trails and supports the Trails Society in their strategic plans and the building of designated trails.

The Community Forest also financed the construction of the New Frogger trail in Halfmoon Bay, which was built entirely in our harvested cutblock HM48. It was built to replace the use of the Telus Tower Road in the BC Bike Race. New Frogger was designed by two local mountain bike experts and was specifically designed as a climbing trail for the BC Bike Race. It was built by a two-time winner of past BC Bike Races, Kris Sneddon. The BC Bike Race “owners” rode the trail after it was built, raved at its qualities and promised to use it in the race. The Coast Reporter reported on the race in July 2016 and one racer was quoted as saying, “They did some phenomenal upgrades this year. We had a new climb trail and a huge descent at the end, which actually made this day a lot more enjoyable than it has been in the past.” The climb trail was New Frogger. So much for Mr. Muirhead’s comment, “I’ve yet to see a mountain biker rush out to a new clearcut, rejoice and start doing the above labour-intensive work for a new trail.” That’s exactly what the local mountain bikers did. They designed it, they built it and the BC Bike Racers loved it.

Glen Bonderud, Chair,

Sunshine Coast Community Forest, Sechelt