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Oil and gas to blame

Editor: Re: “New laws loom as forestry industry falls into crisis,” June 14. It’s difficult to hear about the mill closures in B.C. Many hardworking people are or will be out of a job or on temporary layoff.


Re: “New laws loom as forestry industry falls into crisis,” June 14.

It’s difficult to hear about the mill closures in B.C. Many hardworking people are or will be out of a job or on temporary layoff. But I don’t believe for a minute that those mills closed because the NDP is strengthening First Nations’ power or because of Bill 22. Are they closing because of a shrinking timber supply? Quite likely. I believe they closed and will close because of climate change. Maybe the trees burnt down, perhaps they were eaten by bugs, or maybe they are simply too dry to be harvested. All of that can be attributed to climate change. Climate change is caused by burning fossil fuels, a great portion of which comes from the oil and gas sector. Don’t perpetuate this myth that oil and gas companies are not to blame. Don’t let the oil and gas companies keep lying to you. They have lied about climate change for 25 years. NOW would be the time to discern honesty from deception. 

Penny Brown, Davis Bay