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Choosing anonymity



It really should come as no surprise that in the same issue (Coast Reporter, Sept. 7) that Coun. Jeremy Valeriote speaks about “the complaining, the mistrust, and the personal attacks” in local politics, there is also an article on Sechelt Deserves Better.

Is it any wonder that a group like Sechelt Deserves Better has developed on the Coast? When Coun. Valeriote says that “people say some horrible things to each other, and it sinks down deep and disturbs you,” this is an indictment of how we treat our elected officials. It is also a reason why many people choose not to run.

Can you blame the Sechelt Deserves Better group for choosing anonymity over the exposure? We should be asking ourselves, why does a group like this feel it is necessary to remain anonymous? The answer is clear in “profanities shouted at me outside town hall” and being on the “receiving end of hateful, uninformed and sometimes racist diatribes.”

Between Coun. Valeriote and groups or people who remain anonymous, maybe we shouldn’t be criticizing them. We should be looking in the mirror.

Laura Davis, Roberts Creek