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Brains of a rocking horse



Last Saturday at 4:30 I was happily driving back to Gibsons through Davis Bay when a young woman came hurtling round the Chapman Creek bend the other way, doing at least 100 k/h and completely out of control. The vehicle was yawing from left to right so violently that it was only by the grace of God that the car didn’t roll, killing her and, more importantly, me.

Every year there is a self-imposed culling of lives caused by young people with the brains of a rocking horse. Since we are no longer allowed to forcibly sterilize people, more’s the pity. Our only option is to give parents the tools to help their kids and me survive.

I took the Sports Car Club of B.C. race car driver training course and have put two of my girls through it also. It has been the best $500 investments that I have made in my long and accident-free life. I thoroughly recommend it.

And before the usual idiots start ranting about encouraging dangerous behaviour, neither of my girls went on to race or exhibit stupid driving. They also did not become drug addicts after I explained in great and factual detail what that was about.

Chester Machniewski, Gibsons