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Letters: We need Sunshine Coast evacuation plan details

'If I go to the Langdale Ferry Terminal to evacuate, will the ferry schedule remain the same or will extra boats be available? Where will the boats and the staff to run the boats come from? How can the 30,000 plus people who live here be removed by ferries?'


I live in Halfmoon Bay and would like to know what I am supposed to do in the event of a wildfire.  

If I go to the Langdale Ferry Terminal to evacuate, will the ferry schedule remain the same or will extra boats be available? Where will the boats and the staff to run the boats come from? How can the 30,000 plus people who live here be removed by ferries? 

If I do go to Langdale, what assurance to I have that the lineup, which will be huge, won’t put me in danger of being caught in the fires? 

Since I live in Halfmoon Bay, should I instead go to Egmont? Are other boats available in an emergency to evacuate people from that terminal? Would I arrive in Powell River to another fire danger?  

This is a serious concern for me. What should I do? I need to know what the local emergency plan for evacuation is, and I would like to see it posted in the Coast Reporter quickly, in advance of a dangerous wildfire, so that everyone knows what they are supposed to do. I can’t be the only person who doesn’t know.  

Governments are elected to act in the best interest of the population they represent. Increasing our population in this current climate crisis in which water shortages and chronic drought are annual events, and with no viable way to evacuate the area, is not in the best interest of the people living here. 

Janice Brunson, Halfmoon Bay