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Letters: Sechelt OCP changes could have long-term impact

Sechelt Municipal Hall 2
District of Sechelt municipal hall file photo.


Re: Proposed Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment 492-35 

A public hearing has been scheduled for March 20 for an amendment to the District of Sechelt’s (DOS) Official Community Plan that has significant implications for sewered areas, which largely encompass the downtown and West Sechelt.  

West Sechelt Community Association (WSCA) requested council and staff to hold a public open house or information session prior to the public hearing. The purpose would be to justify the urgent need for such changes and their implications. WSCA received no response to its request dated Feb. 19. 

In the Special Infill Areas zoned and designated multi-family in West Sechelt, four storeys (12 to 16 metres) would be permitted compared to the 11 to 12 metres currently permitted under zoning, and six storeys plus (18 to 24 metres) would be the threshold in multi-family/mixed residential areas. On which parcels does the DOS envision these increases in heights? Why is it necessary to undertake these amendments outside the context of an overall OCP review? What is being proposed for West Sechelt that would justify such urgent changes at this time? 

Reading a public hearing binder consisting of staff reports, referral comments, and bylaw language is insufficient for most people to have adequate information to comment at a public hearing on a bylaw amendment of major importance. Having to make an appointment to access staff for answers to questions is off-putting. Holding a public information session after the fact sends the message that council does not want to consider public input prior to making decisions. This is not acceptable, especially because of the long-term impact these changes will have on the community. 

Candice Sayre, President 

For the West Sechelt Community Association Board