The following is a letter addressed to Rob Fleming, B.C. Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure and shared with Coast Reporter.
We are writing in support of the recent letter sent to you by John Henderson, Mayor of Sechelt, regarding the serious safety situation here on the southern Sunshine Coast.
The two-lane road your ministry calls a “highway” continues to be unsafe and dangerous for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians alike. (You may be unaware that, yet again, on Saturday, there was a serious accident at one of the many uncontrolled intersections along this route in downtown Sechelt.)
Also, your “2022 Alternate Route Planning Study” fails to address any of our serious needs. It points to a failure by your ministry to adequately and effectively consult with all users of this roadway. Further, the identified “option” is clearly an effort to, yet again, have this matter shelved rather than dealing with the only solution – yes, it is complex to address but we vitally need a new, real highway!
The Sunshine Coast Highway Society has been advocating for a new highway since our petition with over 6,400 signatures was put before the BC legislature by our MLA on March 27, 2019. We continue to advocate on behalf of the Sunshine Coast residents for the safe highway we deserve.
We urge you to commit to Mayor Henderson’s invitation and come to Sechelt to experience the situation we all face. The time for action is now.
Robin Merriott
Sunshine Coast Highway Society