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Give paramedics your support

Editor: Since April, B.C. paramedics have been on strike to bring the Campbell government to the negotiating table for better wages and working conditions. It's not as if our government officials won't know where we, the public, stand.


Since April, B.C. paramedics have been on strike to bring the Campbell government to the negotiating table for better wages and working conditions. It's not as if our government officials won't know where we, the public, stand. Thousands have signed the petitions that will go to our legislators. The government can't fail to get the loud message we are sending about what we want for our paramedics.

There's always the threat that the government has in mind "privatization of services." So many services have gone in that direction.

Considering that these paramedics have spent anywhere from $5,000 to $9,000 for their training and licensing (out-of-pocket), it is shameful that they are not paid on par with firefighters and police. The starting salary for a full-time paramedic of $21,000 per year is deplorable, unacceptable. What would their time and care be worth to you in an emergency?

Beverly Nelson
