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Bylaw is sad and laughable

Editor: We would like to thank Coun. Keith Thirkell and others (with the exception of two) for their hard work on behalf of us, the taxpayers, in creating a new bylaw that was badly needed.


We would like to thank Coun. Keith Thirkell and others (with the exception of two) for their hard work on behalf of us, the taxpayers, in creating a new bylaw that was badly needed. If it wasn't so sad, we would be laughing at the hilarity of it.

Imagine having to protect our wildlife from our dogs? They seem to think the animals cannot run or fly off, before a dog could possibly get near them. The only one at peril, as far as we can see, would be us. Should a cougar or bear attack us, we have to keep our dog from rescuing us because this bylaw prohibits the dog from chasing them away.

We can see our councillors are hard at work creating this bylaw protecting our wildlife, with the implementation of yet another easy money grab for the municipal coffers. It makes us wonder if there are not more significant things they could be working on, like creating some much needed work for our young people and families, enabling them to stay and live on the Coast. Somehow this would make us feel just a little bit better about how our tax dollars are being spent.

Wolfgang and Beata Blawert
