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A plea to help with bill

The following letter was sent to MP John Weston and copied to Coast Reporter.

The following letter was sent to MP John Weston and copied to Coast Reporter.

I have been meaning to write to you regarding the bill that will be introduced (may have already come forward) in regards to changing subsequent charges and convictions resulting in sentences of sex offenders. I think that resulting sentences should run consecutively rather than the current model of concurrent sentences.

It is my opinion that this will help to keep these monsters off the streets.

How often do we see these people released only to be immediately caught and charged for the same offences? Perhaps it could be tweaked to refuse release if the offender has refused any treatment while incarcerated and/or until said treatment has resulted in a positive outcome.

As a constituent of yours, it is my recommendation that you do all in your power to ensure the passing of this bill and its subsequent inclusion in the Canadian justice system.

Thank you for your continued service to our jurisdiction.

Travis McDonough, Sechelt