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Local News

Community event that grew

The fabled wood ducks spent most of their day at the far end of Ruby Lake Lagoon, but their presence reminded visitors of what the seventh annual Wood Duck and Wilderness Festival was all about - a place to appreciate the environment and what can be

Norwalk virus detected in schools

Medical health officer Paul Martiquet has issued a memorandum to students and teachers after a Norwalk virus was detected this week.

Transportation issues front and centre

Residents were out in force Tuesday night at the Gibsons Legion to voice their concerns over the Upper Gibsons Neighbourhood Plan.

SIB to hold referendum on Pan Pacific

The Sechelt Indian Band (SIB) council decided Monday it will hold a referendum among Band members on the question of whether to approve or oppose Pan Pacific Aggregates' proposed mining operations within the Sechelt Nation's traditional territory.

5k granny run next Saturday

You can walk. You can run. You can crawl. The inaugural 5k Granny Run is ready to go Saturday, May 13, at 10 a.m. from the Sechelt Seniors' Activity Centre. Entries are accepted from male, female, young or old.

Budget up, taxes down

Sechelt's budget is going up this year by about $292,690 to pay for things such as wage and salary increases, inflation and property maintenance, but the average homeowner in the District will pay less in municipal taxes.

South Pender water district meets

More people than in the past four years combined showed up for South Pender Harbour Waterworks District's (SPHWD) recent annual general meeting.

Man sentenced for robberies, break-ins of Sechelt businesses

A 21-year-old Sechelt man will serve a further year and a half in jail, on top of the nine months already served, for committing a string of robberies in downtown Sechelt in 2004 and 2005.

Volunteers needed for emergency service

There are a number of volunteer groups poised to offer emergency help to the people of the Sunshine Coast, but they need more volunteers. "We need volunteers badly.

Working together with First Nations

"Bring Kleenex," is Ed Hill's succinct advice for the novice planning to take part in Pulling Together. The annual canoe voyage began as a way to bridge the gap between Native people and police. Hill, a retired RCMP S/Sgt.