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Local News

Second annual celebration of conservation set

This year's celebration of conservation, hosted by the Sunshine Coast Conservation Association (SCCA), promises to be every bit as good as last year's fabulous Stickleback Social.

HSPP working on green power project

Howe Sound Pulp and Paper (HSPP) is planning to get into the energy game.

Ruby Lake centre may lose federal funding

The Ruby Lake Lagoon Nature Reserve Society will likely not get a $275,000 grant from the federal government. "If this doesn't go through, it's a very sad day for the community," said Michael Jackson, president of the non-profit society.

June trial date in Pender May Day attack

The five Gibsons men accused in the Pender Harbour May Day assaults will go to trial starting June 13, 2005.

40 acres offered to Cap College

Two families, the Claytons and the Sangaras, have offered to donate close to 45 acres of land to Capilano College to build an expanded Sechelt campus. The land is located north of Chatelech Secondary School, beyond the playing fields.

Army Cadets to participate in vigil

The 2963 Seaforth Highlanders of Canada Army Cadet Corps will participate in their second annual display and vigil at the cenotaph in Sechelt this year. There is a lot of interest from the community to help out the cadets once again.

Hansel and Gretel great entertainment

A new spin on an old classic made for a delightful afternoon at the Heritage Playhouse in Gibsons last Saturday.

Hikers rescued off Gambier Island

On Saturday, Oct. 30, members of the Sunshine Coast Search and Rescue were called out to look for two lost hikers on Gambier Island. The hikers, two young adult males, had left around 1:30 p.m.

Tournament for the fun of the game

If you know that zloty and zaire are acceptable words in Scrabble (and even if you don't), you might consider entering a Scrabble tournament in Sechelt on Saturday, Nov. 20. Registration begins at 9 a.m. at Capilano College with games starting at 10.

Citizens' Assembly makes its decision

After several months of studying voting systems and conducting meetings around the province, the Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform has reached a recommendation for a new voting system for British Columbia.