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Protect yourself from influenza

With the flu having already hit hard in parts of eastern Canada, the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) is encouraging British Columbians to take additional measures to protect themselves before influenza ramps up in B.C.

Draft plan presented

Acknowledging it's been a difficult 20 years and that there is a passionate and significant interest in Gospel Rock and its future, Gibsons Mayor Barry Janyk asked for positive public input into the Gospel Rock Neighbourhood Plan presented Jan.

Solid waste plan moving forward

The Sunshine Coast Regional District's (SCRD) draft solid waste management plan is one step closer to going out to the public for review. Dion Whyte, SCRD manager of sustainable services, made presentations at Gibsons council Tuesday, Feb.

Major fare hikes could be on the way

An interview on Shaw TV last week with B.C. Ferries head David Hahn has set off a bit of a political firestorm over the possibilities of major fare hikes for minor routes. The fare increases have been submitted to the B.C.

SCRD and SIB renew agreement

The Sechelt Indian Band (SIB) and Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) have officially renewed their joint management agreement for another five years to protect and mutually watch over the Chapman Creek and Gray Creek watersheds.

Hospital expansion on track

The expansion at St. Mary's Hospital is expected to be completed on time and on budget, although construction has hit some snags and the heliport pad will need to be closed for six months.

Youth facing arson charge headed back to court

The youth charged with arson following the massive June, 2010 fire in Lower Gibsons is now heading back before the courts - once police arrest him again. On Friday, Jan.

Council approves several projects

Several capital works projects are set to start in the Town of Gibsons as council awarded contracts Tuesday night.

Directors vote to pay increase

Story: After much debate, Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) directors voted at their Jan. 27 committee meeting to give themselves a raise of 1.

Affordable seniors' housing underway

The Jack Nelson Annex, a new 65-unit seniors' housing complex in Sechelt, is well under construction with government officials celebrating the project during a media tour last Saturday.