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B.C. proclaims waste reduction week

The province of B.C. has officially proclaimed Oct. 17-23 as Waste Reduction Week, which is aimed at raising public awareness about the importance of recycling.

Women urged to get Pap tests to help save lives

The BC Cancer Agency is urging women to get screened for cervical cancer by getting a Pap test during Pap Awareness Week, Oct. 23 to 29. There will be two clinics offered on the Sunshine Coast: at the Sechelt Indian Band Hall on Wednesday, Oct.

ICBC calls on students to get creative with road safety ads

Students, get out those sketchpads. ICBC has launched the Your Ad Here contest and is calling on high school students to get artistic and help spread road safety messages to their peers.

Enhanced program promotes investment and jobs

The provincial government is taking steps to further encourage business immigrants to invest in communities in regional B.C. through the B.C. Provincial Nominee Program.

Coast Reporter's parent company acquires B.C. newspapers

Glacier Media, Coast Reporter's parent company, announced on Tuesday that it has purchased several Postmedia community and daily newspapers in B.C., plus related digital media and real estate assets in an $86.5 million deal.

Researchers co-lead national Terry Fox research study

Gynecologic oncologists and pathologists with the Ovarian Cancer Research (OvCaRe) Program at Vancouver General Hospital and the BC Cancer Agency have received funding to co-lead a national study that will have dramatic impact on how ovarian cancer i

SideStix up for MISTIC innovation award

The accolades continue to pour in for Coast entrepreneurs Sarah Doherty and Kerith Perreur-Lloyd and their innovative SideStix. After winning a U.S.

Study to examine Coast environmental issues

There are very public debates over the Chapman Creek and Gray Creek watersheds on the Sunshine Coast and the potential Gospel Rock development in Gibsons. Many residents in Sechelt have also voiced concern over expansion at Target Marine.

Sechelt landfill closure begins

Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) directors heard at their June 6 infrastructure services committee that work will begin this summer to close a portion of the Sechelt landfill.

Rural carriers looking for new deal

While Canada Post is set to celebrate its 30th year as a Crown corporation operating under the Canada Post Corporation Act on Oct. 16, rural workers on the Sunshine Coast are facing an uneasy few months.