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Water use hits seven-year high during heat wave

Chapman Creek Water saw more than 300 litres processed per second

As temperatures hit historic heights, the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) also saw a new record for water use. 

On June 27, water at the Chapman Creek Water Treatment Plant was processed at 300 litres per second – the most used in nearly seven years, according to a press release from SCRD. 

Starting on June 26, the daily consumption of water surpassed 20 million litres through Monday, June 28.

The usage rate follows a steady increase over the month of June, and the regional district says it’s important to keep the state of the snowpack and upcoming water restrictions in mind.

“As we continue through this dry period, we need to ensure that we are all diligent with our use of water to ensure we have adequate supply through the summer months,” Shane Walkey, the manager of utility services, said in the press release.

“Our staff were met with significant demand for water, placing a lot of our systems under pressure this past weekend and I am thankful for the long hours they worked to ensure that we could meet the needs of our region.”