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Visionary leaders set to speak

Albert Einstein said that a problem could never be solved at the same level of consciousness that created it.

Albert Einstein said that a problem could never be solved at the same level of consciousness that created it. In an effort to better meet the critical demands we face as a community, we need to intensify the deep and necessary dialogue around transforming our visions into action - points linked by a ribbon of hope.

"The greatest task of any good leader is to keep hope alive" (Gardner, 1990). Visionary leaders possess this gift. "Visionary leaders keep hope alive by lighting a path toward wholeness" (Walker, 2010).

This dynamic leadership form recognizes wholeheartedly that "followership" is no less vital than leadership. We need leadership with a capital L and a small l.

Visionaries work continuously to build collective capacity by emphasizing universal principles - universal principles such as love, truth, unity, wisdom, humility and integrity.

Visionary leaders and followers take up one of the greatest challenges of our time: "to incorporate diversity into wholeness" (Gardner, 1990).

Visionary leaders are all around us, and as David Suzuki tells us, "solutions are in our nature" (Suzuki, 2007).

This visionary leader proposes that we begin hosting an ongoing sustainable critical conversation café of visionary leadership. This simple act of connecting will begin the alchemical process of solidifying our Sunshine Coast communities' collective vision into action and reality.

These cafés will be held the last Thursday of each month at Strait Café in Wilson Creek, from 7 to 9 p.m. beginning May 27. At each café a vision will be presented. The Visionaries Café will be hosted by Dr. Lena Walker and Associates. The cost is by donation.

A special invitation is being extended to our youth, the emerging visionary leaders in our midst. The soul purpose of the café is to connect.

For more information, contact Lena Walker at [email protected] or 604-741-9850.

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