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Sunshine Coast organizations marking World Hunger Day May 25

Hot dogs, country music, line dancing to be hosted at Hackett Park
Person putting food in a basket

Mom, I’m hungry…a common refrain heard by mothers, everywhere. For many of us, it is problem solved by a quick trip to the refrigerator, pulling a bag of chips from the cupboard, or the fixing of a quick snack. Sadly however, for many of our community, this is not the case. Hunger lives among us – for families, for seniors, and for many whose income simply disappears just putting a roof over their heads. 

World Hunger Day brings attention to this growing international problem, and members of the Sunshine Coast Lions Club and the Rotary Club are asking for your support in assisting our community. Did you know that between 90 and 150 families access the Sechelt Food Bank weekly, many with children to feed. There is a great need for non-perishable, protein rich canned goods, diapers and baby foods, as well as dried food such as pasta. 

With this in mind, your Sechelt Lions and Rotary Clubs are hosting a free event at Hackett Park, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., on May 25. With many thanks to the following, we will be serving up hot dogs (Gordon Foods), featuring a country band (Blue Western), and hosting country line dancing (Sechelt Senior Centre dancers and instructor). Please join us for this fun event that highlights a serious problem. 

In keeping with our mandate of supporting our fellow citizens, this is a free event, but, if you are able, a donation of funds or food to support the Sechelt Food Bank will be gratefully appreciated.