It's time for the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden's annual plant sale, Sunday, May 2, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 5941 Mason Rd. in Sechelt.
This is the eighth spring plant sale, and it is widely known for the quality and quantity of plants on offer. Volunteers potted thousands of plants including perennials, shrubs, small trees, grasses and food plants in preparation for the sale. There's something to suit every Coast gardener, from beginner to advanced.
Plants have been donated mostly from the home gardens of members who are able to share their favourites. There will also be plants from the VanDusen Garden plant sale, a good selection of shrubs, easy-care plants, a wide range of irises, including the much sought after Iris ensata from Japan.
A master gardener will be on hand to answer gardening questions, and many of the sales volunteers are experienced in growing plants as well. They can help you select the best ones for your garden situation, whether it be sunny or shady, wind-swept seaside or a woodland clearing, challenging plants or trouble-free.
Savvy shoppers plan to carpool and arrive early, bringing a cart or wheelbarrow to tote plants back to the car. While the best selection is at the beginning of the sale, it's more relaxed later, and there will still be excellent plants in the third hour.
A "plant hold" area will allow you to park your plants for a while so you can look around, retrieve your car or take a tour. Guided tours of the Botanical Garden site will be offered (by donation) and you are invited to become a member of this thriving organization.
For more information, visit
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