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Obituary: Gordon “Gordie” Hall

'He has left us all with many lasting memories.'
Gordie Hall

August 21, 1952 - October 14, 2023

Sadly, Gordie will no longer be among us in the way he was before. He loved it here on the Sunshine Coast. He has left us all with many lasting memories.

Gordie, your valiant struggle with the ravages of medical adversity, grievous to be sure, was a profile in courage and an inspiration to all. Reflecting on the end of your earthly journey, there are those who would call you difficult, but there are also those who took the time to peel back that sometimes testy facade and gladly find that under your contrarian veneer was a thoroughly decent person. It is for this we loved you and for this you will be well received by the Great Maker.

You are fondly remembered by us up and down the coast. To the special ones at Totem, thank you Totem team.

Love you, Gordie.

Lynda, and daughter Cheryl, son Chad and extended family.