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Lions Club continues to give back

KidSport Sunshine Coast was able to increase the number of kids in the Sechelt area able to participate in sports this year as a result of the recent Sunshine Coast Lions Club contribution.

KidSport Sunshine Coast was able to increase the number of kids in the Sechelt area able to participate in sports this year as a result of the recent Sunshine Coast Lions Club contribution. The Club has sponsored youth from Davis Bay to Halfmoon Bay communities.

The Lions Club exemplified their slogan of "Working Together for the Children in the Community" when Sunshine Coast Lions Club members Judy Schollen, Ann Miller and Lennea Perpet presented Diane Wagner and Carol Duff with a cheque in the amount of $2,734 for KidSport.

Wagner, co-chair, said the money would sponsor kids in many sports. Registration fees covered 13 youth in soccer and six youth in therapeutic riding. "We appreciate that the Sunshine Coast Lions Club has, for the third year in a row, supported the youth in our community," added co-chair Duff. "Many children are able to participate in the sport of their choice because of the generosity of the Sunshine Coast Lions Club."

Community Champions are organizations or individuals who contribute $2,000 or more a year to benefit youth on the Sunshine Coast. KidSport Sunshine Coast Chapter has received $6,540 from the Sunshine Coast Lions Club the past three years and values this partnership tremendously.

If you wish to be a community champion, contact Wagner at 604-886-8510 or Duff at 604-886-9766 for information.

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