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Huge plant sale Sunday

Mother's Day is the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden's annual plant sale, Sunday May 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 5941 Mason Rd. in Sechelt.

Mother's Day is the Sunshine Coast Botanical Garden's annual plant sale, Sunday May 12 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 5941 Mason Rd. in Sechelt. This is a huge sale, with thousands of perennials, shrubs, small trees, grasses and food plants, potted up by our volunteers. There's something to suit every Coast gardener, from beginner to advanced.

This year we feature lilies, clematis, garden orchids and young plants of the giant Himalayan lily, which eventually blooms at a height of more than three metres. Ornamental grasses are an excellent choice for low maintenance (they only need an annual haircut) and low water use. Succulents are very attractive in planters and pots or for the greenhouse and often look best in mix-and-match combinations. Food plants include blueberry shrubs and tayberry canes and a raspberry-blackberry cross with huge, flavourful fruit ideal for freezing, jams and pies. There will be a variety of shrubs and smaller trees.

The volunteers selling the plants are experienced gardeners and can help you choose just the right plant for your garden, whether it's sunny, shady, moist, dry or a combination.

A master gardener will be on duty to answer gardening questions. Choosing the right plants for your situation is the first step to a healthy garden. And by combining plants that bloom at different times with plants with interesting winter foliage, your garden can be pleasing all year.

Each year some shoppers arrive early to get the best selection, but by mid-morning it's easier to shop, and you can expect better service. Plan to carpool, and bring a cart, wheelbarrow, bags or bins to tote plants back to the car. A plant hold area will allow you to park your plants for a while so you can look around, retrieve your car or take a tour. Guided tours of the Botanical Garden will be offered (by donation) and you are invited to become a member of this thriving organization, where there is so much to see and do.

For more information about upcoming events, visit

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