The St. Bart's Food Bank has been operating once per month since September and has more than 100 people registered. It continues on the third Wednesday of each month at St. Bart's Hall from 1 to 3 p.m.
In addition, the St. Bart's Helping Hand dinners have provided a hot, nutritious meal once each month since October and, like the Food Bank, are intended for those singles or families who, in these difficult times, find it hard to cover the cost of shelter, heat and food.
"We are extremely grateful for the amazing support we have received from the community at large, including the musicians and singers of the Inspirations choir who provide music at our meals, all the volunteers who do the setup, food preparation, cooking and cleanup for these events and to SuperValu for providing the meat at cost and for roasting the meat and vegetables for each dinner," said program spokesperson Margaret Rowe.
The Helping Hand dinners, much appreciated by many over the last several months, will continue in St. Bart's Hall on the second Saturday of each month at 5 p.m. on a first-come first-served basis.
Donations to support both the Food Bank (non-perishable food items or a financial contribution) and the Helping Hand dinners (a financial donation) are welcomed. All the labour is volunteered, so 100 per cent of donated money is used solely to purchase the food required.
Tax receipts will gladly be issued. For more information or to help, call 604-886-7410 or 604-886-7667.