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Harbour Highlights

Pender Harbour & Egmont

Happy 90th birthday to Edith Hubbard (Aug. 1).

Best, huge, heartfelt wishes from all your friends in Pender Harbour. We miss you. The Legion will toast you and sing you Happy Birthday!

Welcome back forestry boats! Thank you for gracing our harbour once again this weekend.

There will be an a very important contingent of B.C.’s history on the water and tied up at the government dock at Millennium Park in Pender Aug 1 to 4 . For the second time, the rendezvous of ex-forestry boats will visit. Some were as forestry work horses were stationed here years ago. Tamarack, a beauty, 52’ was built in 1927 making her 87 years young.

These fine vessels when no longer employed were sold off. The proud new owners formed an association and held their first rendezvous here 23 years ago. They are excited to come back to Pender Harbour and invite everyone to come for a visit.

The Community Club had a very successful market, bake and garage sale last Saturday and so did their raffle winners. First prize of $200 went to Wendy Simmons, second prize went to Sunny Charbonneau — a lovely garden ornament, and James won the duck planter as the third place winner. Thank you on behalf of the Community Club to all for your support and to Muriel who keeps the club alive and well.

Join the Pender Harbour hiking club every Monday and Wednesday morning as they explore the beauty of the Coast at the coolest, quietest part of the day. Call 604-883-2930 for details.

Our hills are alive with the makings for wildcrafting. Edna Deerunner, wildcrafter, maker of slaves, tinctures, trained in healing and psychic reader will take you on an insightful walk and/or heal your woes with gentle natural ingredients. Call 604-399-8668 for more details.

Have you checked out the Jazz Festival line-up Sept. 19 to 21? If not go to now to buy your tickets and avoid disappointment.

Contact me at [email protected] or call 604-989-0851 before 5 p.m. on Monday with your items for this column.