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Halfmoon Happenings: It’s soon Tom the Turkey’s time

And Wendy’s Drive Thru at the school still seeking volunteers
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Hi everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful week as we enjoyed this warm weather. I’m sure all of us are wishing for some rain as everything is so tinder dry. Be careful out there! 

The Halfmoon Bay Community School will be holding their annual Tom the Turkey family contest before Thanksgiving. The idea is that children and their families will disguise and decorate Tom the Turkey to keep him safe during the Thanksgiving season. Wendy White, school coordinator says, “The community support for this program has been growing over the years. Last year, with donations from very generous community members, we were able to give away 20 frozen turkeys and grocery gift cards for the fixings.” The school is reaching out to the community again this year for your support. Cash donations to purchase turkeys would be greatly appreciated and the organizer’s goal is to once again award at least 20 turkeys to families in the community. Turkeys will be awarded at the school on Friday, Oct. 7 so if you would like to make a donation or if you have any questions, please contact Wendy at [email protected]. Wendy extends a “thank-you in advance for your generous donations!” 

Wendy would also like to add that the school’s breakfast program is off to a great start! “Thanks to our volunteer team we are able to offer breakfast three mornings per week through our ‘Wendy’s Drive Thru.’” Program organizers continue to seek more volunteers to join their team. Whether baking or cooking for the program at home or serving at the window, every little bit makes a difference. To help with food service, volunteers commit at least one and a half hours for preparation, service, then clean up – from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Each service provides something different, which includes smoothies, yogurt parfaits, scrambled eggs and oatmeal to name a few. If you are interested in volunteering contact Wendy at [email protected]. The school, students and parents send out a huge thank-you to all the volunteers who help make this amazing program happen! 

If you have any ideas for column content or have a community event or story you would like to share, please send ideas and suggestions to [email protected]

Be safe, be gentle, conserve water and always be kind.