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Halfmoon Happenings: Excitement reigns over Art Crawl weekend

Also, don’t forget about The Great 2022 Halfmoon Bay Pumpkin Trail on Monday, Oct. 31.
Halfmoon Bay

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful week as we enjoyed some rain for the first time in several weeks.  

How was the Art Crawl for you? I asked this of some artists I visited this last weekend and the response was very heartwarming. Fibre artist Elly Van Alfen shared that, “It was a dream come true the whole weekend. People are so amazing, interested and friendly and oh the wonderful comments!” Many people have never seen modern quilts and are really surprised when they see Elly’s creations. “A dad and his two daughters visited, and we had a great conversation.” This visitor said that he bought a sewing machine during COVID and taught himself and his two girls (ages 8 and 10) to sew with the help of YouTube. “Another gentleman left with a piece of fabric that had lettering on it, which I used as backing fabric on one of my quilts. He is a poet and found inspiration in the lettering.” Elly’s venue had 336 visitors and sold out of the totes and pouches that she and collaborator Liz made. They also sold several quilts.  

Susan of Egerman Pottery shared that, “There were over 300 visitors during the weekend. It’s always great to see neighbours stop by for a chat and I enjoy seeing the smiles on their faces when they view my sculptures. Some people I only see annually during the Art Crawl.” The weather also cooperated this year, whereas last year during the Art Crawl some venues were shut down due to a storm that left many without power. On a personal note, I felt there was an excited energy wherever I went with many happy, friendly and joyful visitors and artists alike. Thank you to all the artists, organizers and volunteers who help make this an incredible weekend for all of us to enjoy! And special thank you to friend Kim for being my chauffeur and ‘crawling’ buddy. 

Don’t forget about The Great 2022 Halfmoon Bay Pumpkin Trail on Monday, Oct. 31. This annual Halloween event is organized by the Halfmoon Bay Elementary School and community volunteers. Carved pumpkins are placed along the trail between Lohn and Hart Roads and are lit by volunteers just before dark. So, carve that amazing pumpkin and place your creation on the trail any time after 4 p.m. Be sure to include a battery-operated candle. The next day, volunteers will collect the pumpkins and deliver to a local farm for the animals to enjoy. Happy Halloween everyone and be safe out there! 

The Halfmoon Bay Community Association (HBCA) will be hosting their third Town Hall meeting of 2022 along with their AGM on Friday, Nov. 4 via Zoom. The Town Hall meeting will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and the AGM will follow from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. MLA Nicholas Simons and incoming Area B Director Justine Gabias are guests. MLA Simons will be responding to questions that were presented to him a couple of weeks ago and Justine will share some remarks. There will be a question and answer period after the speakers. Visit the HBCA website at for Zoom meeting details and more information about the association, events and their history. 

If you have any ideas for column content or have a community event or story you would like to share, please send ideas and suggestions to [email protected]

Be safe, be gentle, and no fireworks or outdoor burning at this time!