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Gumboot Nation: Please, write in your events

Also, writing group starting at library
roberts creek-COLUMN

Greetings Creekers, 

I am constantly surprised by the number of people who stop me in the grocery store, on the street and even on a hike through the woods to tell me that they enjoy this column. It spurs me on at times when I think it’s time to pass the torch. I am a reader, not a writer and have no particular experience at this craft. So it takes me a long time every week to write this column. As in most of my endeavours, I am my own worst enemy. I leave everything to the last minute and then fly by the seat of my pants. It’s a stressful way to operate but I have somehow managed to reach my 70s in this manner and I guess I am not changing my habits now. So why I am telling you this? It’s because I need your help. When you write an event post on Facebook could you please fire it off to me too? I do get news from the Legion and Coast Cultural Alliance but I honestly, do not have the time to go searching for other items of interest and here is a shocking concept, not everyone gets their information on social media. So, while there is no guarantee I will mention your event, you might get some extra publicity. My email is [email protected] and it appears at the end of every column.  

So here are some events of interest that I picked up on this week. 

Writing seems an appropriate place to start and if you would like to join a writing group to share your ideas and stumbling blocks “Penned in the Creek” is a new group that will be meeting at the Roberts Creek Library on Tuesdays starting Sept. 12. Local writers Caitlin Hicks and Kim Fenton will be facilitating and you can find out more and vote for a meeting time at [email protected].  

The season for outdoor music is not quite done yet. This is the most exciting thing I read about this week and I hope my work schedule allows me to attend. The Living Forest Institute is presenting a Health Trail Concert Series on the next three Sundays. Admission is by donation and no pre-registration is required. The concerts start at 2 p.m. and will be followed by an optional 45-minute hike along the Health Trail, which is up B&K Road. The location is just a five-minute walk in and so accessible to most people. This is stunning setting and the concerts feature some very fine local musicians.   

Sept. 10, Keeley Halward presents “Songs for Summers End,” original songs of West Coast landscapes and love gone wrong. 

On Sept. 17 string music will fill the forest as Steve & Martin present “Flotsom and Fingerpicking.” 

The Sept. 25th concert will feature Anna Lumiere and Graham Ord as the well-known duo, Anagram. Their “Ode to the Forest” will include original songs as well as some Brazilian chorus played on flute and accordion.  

Go to www.livingforestinstitute for a map and more info. 

The Legion continues to bring us a lineup of great local and guest bands and musicians. Tomorrow night it’s a “Magic Carpet Ride” dance party featuring the Hammond organ. Wednesday Night Jams and Thursday Jazz are ongoing and Aqui es Mexico food truck will be there to feed you. Next Thursday it’s Soleil Duo. Heads up, Oct. 13 will be the second annual “John Prine Gala,” a tribute to one of the finest songwriters. If you have a John Prine song or two that you have an urge to perform the legion is looking for you! Contact them to be sure you get on the lineup.  

Let’s close with bears. They are on my mind these days as I find piles of apple filled bear scat on my lawn. ( NOT our apples, FYI.) We continue to sleep out on our deck and my latest strategy for a peaceful night’s sleep involves planks with nails and pine sol spray. So apparently, bears are going into something called hyperphagia, a state of excessive eating. Some could say I suffer from this but not to the extent of the bears who need to consume 20,000 calories a day during the next three months. The quest for these calories takes them long distances and maybe even into your house or vehicle so keep your doors and windows closed. Lock your car and don’t leave anything smelly in it, including things like air freshener because bears love perfumey things (but not Pine Sol, I hope). All of this searching and eating leaves them in a slightly groggy and inalert state and it’s easy to surprise them, so think about that when you are out in the woods. Make noise! 

Have a great week and remember to write to me, or I will give up! [email protected]