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Gumboot Nation: Food banks, choirs and dancing with danger

Deciding where to put your holiday donation dollars
roberts creek-COLUMN

Greetings Creekers! 

Last week my inbox was full of Black Friday flyers and I gleefully deleted them. However, as I write it’s Giving Tuesday and there is no pleasure in deleting the support requests from all those deserving overseas and local aid and environmental organizations. So, like many of you I will be making difficult decisions, but the easy one is to support our food banks. CBC radio listeners will know that this is food bank week and making a donation in this way adds to a provincial total that can motivate the generosity of others and your donation is directed to the food bank of your choice. On a very local level, we have the food cupboard outside the library. The Salvation Army does a great job of stocking it with the usual basics but they disappear quickly and our personal donations help and add variety. I try to think of things that might be unexpected and will make someone smile.  

As craft fairs dwindle, Christmas concert season is starting up. All of the many choral and other music groups on the Coast will be on stage in the next few weeks. While these do not take place in Roberts Creek, almost all of these groups have Creekers among their members and there is something special and often surprising in the opportunity to watch our neighbours perform. They need our support and so even if your usual musical tastes run to rock and roll and head bashing punk or polka, I encourage you to diversify and attend one of these concerts. You will be surprised at the variety and quality of the performances. Keep your eye out for posters and check this paper for details. 

And now for something completely different. Roller skating! Yes, that’s correct. On Dec. 8 and 15, you can go to the Hall, (7 to 9 p.m.) put on your wheels and attend a Roller Skating Dance Party. There will be ‘70s and ‘80s tunes and even roller dance coaching. If you grew up in North Vancouver maybe you remember skating at the Stardust, holding hands with your “crush,” and this will be a nostalgic activity for you. (Full disclosure: As a thrill avoiding chicken, you would never catch me putting wheels on my feet. I participated only in my imagination.) For details on borrowing skates and insurance or to sign a waiver contact I told you, it’s dangerous.  

If you want to dance go to the Legion on Saturday night for some Latin Funk with Susanna and the Coasters and DJ’s, Paola and Sam Pulpo. If you like to shop local don’t forget about the Wednesday Market at the Hall from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. and if you like to read, the library has extended its hours and now opens from noon to 6 p.m. on Wednesdays.  

Oh, and also a reminder that the deadline for Elves Clubs applications is this Saturday Dec. 3. Contact me with your ideas and events.