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Celebrate every day

With Valentine’s Day in the rear view, you can take advantage of chocolates and roses on sale, but keep in mind there are celebrations to be had on a daily basis if you look for them.

With Valentine’s Day in the rear view, you can take advantage of chocolates and roses on sale, but keep in mind there are celebrations to be had on a daily basis if you look for them. While I cover the very local news and events, to fill this space I sometimes venture outside the boundaries of the Gumboot Nation, so these “holidays” are mostly observed by our neighbours to the south. No, not Gibsons – a bit further south.

I recently discovered that not everyone in my life loves minty chocolate the way I do, but I can forgive them, it leaves more for me! Be it Andes or Pep, I will go for the flavour combo without any excuse but Feb. 19 is Chocolate Mint Day, so I see it as obligatory. Maybe a mint choco-chip ice cream at the Gen? Thanks to our current predica-mint, I am missing a favourite movie night tradition of Junior Mints and popcorn at the cinema. Also being the Friday after Lent, it’s Tarter Sauce Day, but let’s not talk of such things.

Saturday the 20th is both Love Your Pet Day (every day is love your pet day, isn’t it?) AND Cherry Pie Day (not to be confused with Pi Day which is next month). I put cherry pie up there with chocolate mint, but quickly remove it so I can cut me a big slice. The 21st is a bit of a snoozer, Card Reading Day. It’s a day to read greeting cards. But an exciting day in history! In 1842 the first U.S. patent for the sewing machine was granted and in 1931 Alka Seltzer is first sold! Wowzers!

Be Humble Day is on Feb. 22. Practice humbleness today, although it is also Margarita Day and I am questioning how well I can mix the two. Tuesday the 23rd is International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day, a day for your puppers to get that special tidbit (ask Dee at the Wednesday market). Feb. 24 is National Tortilla Chip Day, not to be confused with National Corn Chip Day, which was Jan. 29. The 24th is also World Bartender Day. A tough one to celebrate, but I want Gail and Mike to know we are lifting a glass in their honour. To round off this list, every year the last Thursday in February is Toast Day, and the 4th Thursday is Chili Day (are they not always the same day?). Good weather for chili and toast. And cherry pie with mint chocolate ice cream. Damn, I think I have gained weight just writing this piece.

Both Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg wrote them, and I am sure you can too. Our 1st Annual Gumboot Nation Haiku Throw Down closes at 5 p.m. PST on Monday, March 1. Send your entries to [email protected] for your chance at fab prizes! Remember to include some reference to Roberts Creek and follow the haiku syllable rule of 5-7-5.

[email protected] (I am not taking haiku entries, thanks).