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Elphinstone: To notice board or not to notice board

A neighbour who lives along Gower Point recently gave my husband and me a tour of her property and where she has experienced flooding she believes to be the result of tree removal on the slopes above her.
Some residents oppose the new community notice board at the Ocean Beach Esplanade mailboxes. Have your say at the ECA public meeting on March 11.

A neighbour who lives along Gower Point recently gave my husband and me a tour of her property and where she has experienced flooding she believes to be the result of tree removal on the slopes above her. Some ditches along Gower Point Road have been allowed to fill up with debris causing water to flow over the road; she is hoping this road will not experience the same thing that happened to Lower Road. One of the great many services trees perform is to hold soils and other vegetation in place so that water is retained and released slowly, not in torrents. There is much that can be done with preventive maintenance to help alleviate the problems from heavy rainfall events. As a regional district, it is the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure that oversees our roads. 

For several years, Clint Budd, an ECA director, advocated for community notice boards at Canada Post mailboxes as a way to keep residents informed of upcoming events and has spoken often about this initiative at the Elphinstone meetings. He acquired permission from Canada Post to put notice boards next to community mailboxes and two such notice boards were installed and have been well used. A third one was recently installed at the Esplanade and Harry Road, between the hydro pole (which has been used as a notice board up till now) and the mailboxes. Some people think it detracts from the park (although it is not in the park, but on the road right of way where visitors park). Other residents are happy to have it there, so it will be an agenda item at the March ECA meeting. Come out and have your say! You can also email the association to express your opinion at [email protected]

The March ECA meeting will take place at Frank West Hall on Wednesday, March 11 at 7 p.m. Someone from the SCRD will speak about the upcoming budget. Director McMahon will give a report, and please note that she has covered a huge number of issues in her February newsletter that can be found on her website at: along with previous newsletters. Everyone welcome – hope to see you there! 

A committee has been established to plan and plant a garden in memory of long-term Elphinstone residents, Doreen and Jim Bartley, in the front of Frank West Hall. Many will remember that Doreen was an avid gardener and also a member of the Gibsons Garden Club for many years. What a spot that will be – the Frank West Hall, the Cliff Mahlman Firehall, the Maryanne West Park and the Jim and Doreen Memorial Garden, all occupying the same location! A testament to the value of volunteers to a community. Anyone who would like to help out with this initiative can contact me at: [email protected]