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Charlene SanJenko: Media is a mirror of the reality we want

Charlene SanJenko's open letter to consumers

Dear Consumers,

As an Indigenous woman, mother, conscious consumer, and media visionary, I'm asking you to shape the future with me by using the power of media for good.

Many of us have made it through this global pandemic; many have not. The past two years of global unrest, uprising, and horrific discoveries have shaken me to my core.

In my life circumstances, I am a product of the foster care system living through the discovery of being raised on a graveyard of residential school fatalities. My husband, raised in violence, is a dual-citizen black man living through the rise of #BlackLivesMatter.

And there is more: the war in the Ukraine, palpable divisiveness all around us, #fakenews, etc. It is so clear that we are collectively experiencing a tipping point of global pain —this is an urgent time to prioritize the healing we need now. But how?

Media mirrors the reality we want. What we experience in and through media becomes the story we tell ourselves about ourselves, each other, and all that is possible.

“Without a spirit, you have no spirituality.

Without spirituality, there is no hope; there is no peace.”

- Dr Chief Robert Joseph, OC, OBC, hereditary chief of the Gwawaenuk First Nation


Media has the power to shift the trajectory of our future. We are shaping the future we want with purchasing decisions, budget priorities, and streaming choices as the veil grows thinner and thinner between what we see in a day and who we become.

We hold the power of media in our hands. We have an opportunity to elevate advertising to innovative partnerships that support storytellers, creators, filmmakers, and artists to create the future we want with the media we see.

There is a better way.

reGEN impact media is an interactive intermediary between content creators and the financial backers needed to bring their stories to life. Stories that heal, regenerate, uplift, and transform. Read our full press release here.

As a consumer and global citizen, we are calling for your support. Here are three simple ways you can take action:

  • Message your favourite brand and tell them about reGEN.
  • Visit the reGEN website to learn more about our first slate of nine projects.
  • Join our mailing list to join our journey as we move forward.

"We are trying to succeed in a system that at a cellular level was not built for all of us. To transform that system away from promoting the elevation of 'some' to the inclusion of 'all' would require a concerted, sustained, and radical effort to disrupt long-standing mechanisms. It would require visionary leadership to strongly, with courage and an intolerance for excuses, implement a new way forward."

~ Naomi McDougall Jones, Storyteller, Changemaker, Hollywood Filmmaker

We are the generation to heal and break the cycles that no longer serve us. The power of media is in our hands.

Charlene SanJenko, Indigenous Storyteller & Impact Producer