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Trail etiquette not respected

Editor: The Suncoast Trails Society developed the Sun-coaster Trail between 1993 and 2003, as well as signage at trail heads and four kiosks situated at various locations along Highway 101 between Half-moon Bay and Egmont.


The Suncoast Trails Society developed the Sun-coaster Trail between 1993 and 2003, as well as signage at trail heads and four kiosks situated at various locations along Highway 101 between Half-moon Bay and Egmont. Kiosks illustrate a recreational map and trail etiquette. The first form of etiquette states 'non-motorized use only'; particularly the Sakinaw Creek and Ruby/Klein connector trails. However, trail designation isn't working. ATV users are damaging the surfaces of these two beautiful hiking/biking trails.

On both trails, ATVs have rutted the surfaces and dispersed crushed gravel and rocks off the trail. Users on the Sakinaw Creek trail have cut an entrance at the trail head facing the Ruby Lake gravel pit to avoid two cement blocks placed there to specifically stop motorized vehicles. At the trail head facing Malaspina Substation Road, the two large rocks placed there to prevent ATVs were also moved. Furthermore, both these trails have culverts and water ditches that ATVs could potentially destroy. Basically, the surface of these two trails were not constructed to withstand motorized vehicles.

What to do?

Signage is being ignored. As a trail builder of 10 years on these trails, to ATV users I'd like to say: consider the damage you are doing to these trails, and please be respectful to designated signage. Being respectful and not using trails that are not designated for your use is respecting the users of these trails, the environment, the trail builders, those who funded these trails, the community who donated materials, and the countless hours put forth by society volunteers over a ten year period to develop a foundation from which many other trail networks have emerged.

Anne-Marie DiLella former board member Suncoast Trails Society