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Surprised by religion response

I was a bit surprised by Rod Lizee's virulent response (Coast Reporter, June 26) to Brett Wildeman's letter regarding public prayer in schools. While Mr.

I was a bit surprised by Rod Lizee's virulent response (Coast Reporter, June 26) to Brett Wildeman's letter regarding public prayer in schools.

While Mr. Lizee claims to have "much respect for all religions" he failed, in his letter, to address the reality that public prayer recitals in Canadian schools generally consist only of Christian prayers.

But the really bizarre aspect of Mr. Lizee's letter was his implication that more religion equals less violence.

Throughout history, religion has been a major cause of injustice, murder, robbery and home invasions, not to mention child abuse. The crusades fought over the so-called "Holy Land" alone lasted almost 200 years, and other campaigns continued into the 15th century (Wikipedia).

The Inquisition tortured and slaughtered Christians who refused to buy into the official version of the Jesus story, beginning with the genocidal extermination of the Cathars. And need I mention the serial killings of women during the witch hunts? We are also witness to violent conflicts among Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims, and even between different sects of the same religion.

Forgive us, Father, for we know not what we do.

George Kosinski
