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Sechelt Library anticipates being closed for weeks following 'extensive flooding': A message from the library

The cause of the flood discovered early Wednesday that affected the second floor of municipal hall and the library on the main floor is under investigation by the District of Sechelt.
A flood at the Sechelt Library Jan. 17 means that the facility will be closed for an anticipated two to four weeks.

Early morning Wednesday, Jan. 17 we discovered extensive flooding had occurred in our building. Water was still pouring in from the ceiling most of Wednesday. The actual cause is under investigation by the District of Sechelt.

The flood affected the District of Sechelt on the second floor and the Sechelt Library on the main floor. Water damage affected floors, ceilings, walls, lighting, equipment, furniture and parts of our library collection. District of Sechelt building maintenance staff alerted us very early Wednesday morning and moved what they could out of immediate danger. Library staff that could make it in despite the snow, worked diligently all day to move everything else possible out of danger. What was in the front of the library is now “stuffed” into every nook and cranny in the back half of the library! These efforts saved most of our collection, artwork and equipment from further damage. Significant damage was also incurred to the building foyer, public washrooms and some parts of the Community Room.

Coast Wide Restoration was onsite immediately to work with the District of Sechelt and the Sechelt Library. Their professional restoration services will be doing everything to make our space safe again for the public and staff. The floors had standing water all over the front of the library on Wednesday 17th and water was still pouring in most of that day. Restoration work was ongoing for two days to dry the carpets. Further cleaning and antimicrobial treating will be necessary. The entire ceiling must come down in all affected areas as well as all lighting. All shelving must be taken off (if affixed) or away (if movable) from the walls in order to access moisture damage in the walls. Some walls show visible damage and all show moisture. Remediation work is being done to eliminate any moisture and fix all damage.

Although we must remain closed to the public during the restoration process, we will still be available via email and by phone from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Hold pickup will be between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday to Saturday.

We anticipate being closed for at least two to four weeks. This timeline may change but we will advise when more information is known.

Our book drops are currently closed so we are asking everyone to please hold on to their items to be returned until we re-open. No fines will be incurred during our closure. All items that are currently checked out will be automatically renewed for you.

All library items currently “on hold” in our library or “on hold” in the system and in transit will be processed and available to our patrons. We will be calling each patron with instructions for pickup. No further holds on Sechelt Library items or other interlibrary loans will be available at this time but we will re-assess this in the next week. We will be extending all memberships that will be expiring in January and February to April 1st. If you have any concerns, please call us.

Unfortunately, all one-on-one appointments, including technology assistance, will be cancelled until further notice and we are assessing alternate options going forward. The Jan. 19 to 21 Book Faire run by “Friends of the Library” is cancelled. January programs and events have also been cancelled but we are assessing alternate options going forward.

All relevant information will be available on our social media platforms, our website homepage and our phone messaging.

We understand the inconvenience caused to our patrons and we are working diligently to restore our library to a safe condition as soon as possible.