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SAR seeks new recruits

Editor: Sunshine Coast Search and Rescue is interested in training some new recruits. This will be a four-step process starting with an information and orientation meeting held Nov. 10 followed by an evening of interviews on Nov. 23.


Sunshine Coast Search and Rescue is interested in training some new recruits. This will be a four-step process starting with an information and orientation meeting held Nov. 10 followed by an evening of interviews on Nov. 23. The third step will involve being invited to a formal SAR meeting on Dec. 1 to meet the rest of the team. The fourth step will involve the actual training sessions that will take place from January to June 2010. Emphasis will be placed on commitment and availability, so please keep this in mind. If you are interested in joining us, please call Shaunna at 604-886-0605.

Robert Allen, public relations director, Sunshine Coast Search and Rescue