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Recycling survey flawed

Editor: In an excellent job of reporting by Brent Richter (Coast Reporter, July 16) some glaring gaps are starting to appear in this recycling survey.


In an excellent job of reporting by Brent Richter (Coast Reporter, July 16) some glaring gaps are starting to appear in this recycling survey. With clever selective editing and omissions, this survey does not give any mandate for anyone to proceed.

Coast Reporter handed us a gift in a four-part series on recycling before the survey, looking at all the options, yet the survey included only the "big city style" options the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) want, even though curbside collection saddles us all with a new tax.

And does anyone believe these projected costs? Once in place, the "wasting tax" will be increased. SCRD drop-off sites and curbside collection of just a few items still requires comprehensive depots for the EPR items, like paint and computers. What is worse, both their options are unsustainable.

The SCRD's "wasting tax" with curbside collection should be rejected whole-heartedly and replaced with user pay. Tax dollars should support creating local green jobs with the development of resource recovery facilities privately run, which will be much more cost effective. There are no zero waste communities without resource recovery facilities. These are not even an option in this survey, even though the SCRD have signed on to the zero waste plan.

A massive tax-funded unsustainable collection of a few recyclables at the curb, imposed by elected officials who clearly stated last election that they supported programs that are sustainable, now present to the public options that are not sustainable, create bigger government and compete with the private sector.

Buddy Boyd
