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Read between the pipelines

Editor: In his letter and poem (Coast Reporter, April 13) member of Parliament John Weston accuses Iran of nuclear proliferation.


In his letter and poem (Coast Reporter, April 13) member of Parliament John Weston accuses Iran of nuclear proliferation.

Iran has repeatedly stated its opposition to nuclear weapons, has repeatedly advanced a position that nuclear weapons are immoral and a crime against humanity. He does not accuse Israel of nuclear proliferation, despite its illegal nuclear weapons program and its hundreds of nuclear bombs.

He speaks of Iran's support for Hamas and Hizb'Allah, but neglects to acknowledge their popular support and their internationally recognized right to resist Israel's illegal occupation of the territories and its group punishment of the Palestinians living there.

He talks about terrorists but fails to mention Israel's attack on Gaza in 2008, which killed 11 Israelis (seven by friendly fire) and 1,400 Palestinians, 400 of them children.

He speaks warmly of (I presume) a post-attacked Iran where all people are welcome and happy, happy, happy, but says not a word about Israel's absolute opposition to the right of the millions of Palestinian refugees to return to their land.

Iran has oil. Sentimental poetics aside, the Harper regime is all about oil and the money to be made from it.

As we dance our way through Mr. Weston's incredible poem, it's important to read between the pipelines to see through the propaganda and into the terror and destruction we are about to unleash on fellow human beings for the money their murder will bring us.

Joe Dougherty

Roberts Creek